Baldwin Boxall believes that they are the first voice alarm maker in the UK to achieve BS EN 54-16 certification
The EN54 certificate is available for all to see

Baldwin Boxall are proud to announce the availability of EN54-16 certificate. Their full range of VIGIL2 voice alarm (including touchscreen control, microphones, amplifiers and routers) was tested and the certificate is available for all to see.

BS EN 54 has now been adopted by much of Europe and voice alarm systems installed must hold this certification. The process involves rigorous testing procedures by an accredited third party testing house. Upon completion of the tests, a reporting and certification procedure begins. All this adds up to a lengthy process, particularly when there several products involved as was the case with Baldwin Boxall’s VIGIL2 range.

The company believes they are the first voice alarm manufacturer in the UK to achieve BS EN 54-16 certification on a complete product range, and are very proud of the achievement.